Well, Piper and Knox went for their two month pedi appointment yesterday. I can hardly believe it - Piper weighs 10 lbs, 1 oz!!! And Knox has almost caught up - he is 9 lbs, 15 oz and only 1/2 inch shorter than Piper. It's crazy how fast they grow - that's 5 lbs that Knox has gained in 2 months - more than double his birth weight. So that's great news - the pedi is thrilled with their progress. They also got the dreaded first shots yesterday. We are doing an alternative vaccine schedule so they had their first two immunizations yesterday and will have 2 more in a month and so on. Basically, because they are so small, we are spacing these first ones out monthly vs every two months. Yesterday's vaccines were one shot and one liquid to drink. They cried out at the injection, but both quieted right down afterward like little troopers! And although they were a little uncomfortable that afternoon, a little (infant) Tylenol fixed them right up and last night they were totally back to normal. So we have passed a big right of passage!
I haven't posted on the blog for awhile, but I did spend a lot of time organizing our photos from these first two months and I've posted them all on snapfist (and ordered print copies for my "brag book"). I spent a half hour on Snapfish yesterday trying to figure out how to generate a link to the photos to post in the blog but I couldn't figure it out. I'll get a link posted ASAP, though!
We've had a great couple of weeks - we had a really fun visit with my sister-in-law, Mary, and Lindi and Austin. They were here for a long weekend over Labor Day. Knox and Piper were barely put down all weekend - we were afraid they were going to be totally spoiled after all of the attention! But they spent so much time cooing and smiling at them that Knox and Piper have become much more interactive and we've gotten some great smiles and funny faces over the last couple of weeks! Austin and Chad had a great time - they played golf and went to a rock concert and the UT game. So Chad had lots of fun "playing" for the weekend and everyone even got out on the boat one day. And I got a fantastic weekend of rest - Lindi and Mary played "night nanny" all weekend and let me sleep all night! Related to that - Knox has slept 6 hours straight at night twice now! Piper is still waking up much more often, but having one hungry baby at night is easier than two, so I'll take it!
Here are some photos to tide you over until I can get that link up! The opening UT game was Labor Day weekend so you can see the twins showing their spirit! With the Michigan win over Notre Dame last weekend, we might break out the maize and blue gear this weekend though!