Monday, April 19, 2010

Nine months!

It's hard to believe it, but Piper and Knox turned 9 months old last week! It's getting MUCH harder to capture them on film together, especially with the blocks :) Someone is always hightailing it toward the camera or grabbing at the blocks or putting a hand in their mouth. Or all three. And the weather hasn't cooperated in getting another wildflower photo for the last two weekends, so we have to make due with the Easter picture!

We have lots of updates along with our 9 month old picture! Piper and Knox are getting much better with their finger foods. They can actually get the Cheerios into their mouths most of the time now, along with tiny cheese cubes, bits of banana and mango and little bites of toast.
We had to move both crib mattresses down because the babies had figured out how to pull up in their cribs - kneeling or standing in them and threatening to topple out! The babies have also mastered sitting up in the grocery cart (and mommy is quickly learning which stores have double carts!) And last night I ordered new car seats - Knox is about 1/2" from officially outgrowing his infant car seat! So we'll make the switch next weekend which means saying so long to the bucket seats and the snap and go stroller. From here on out, babies will be going from the car directly to the stroller, instead of staying snapped into their carseat "buckets." And when we take them to a restaurant, they'll sit in an actual highchair!
Time is sure going quickly! I'll get some videos posted when I can so you can hear them chattering, too.


  1. All these new and exciting developments for our little Piper and Knox. Time does fly when you're having fun. Can't wait to see them again soon.

    Love, Pam-Pam

  2. Piper's already into spiked hair. Before you know it, it'll be tatoos and piercings.
