Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day Four

Well, we've been home from the hospital for 4 days now and we've all survived!! The babies have to eat every three hours to keep their weight up, and that often means waking them for feedings. So much for "Never wake a sleeping baby!" I have to say that they're really taking it easy on us, though. Aside from some tummy issues - particularly with Piper - they are really very good natured and hardly ever even cry. But I think that's probably a short term situation - right now, they're pretty content to eat and sleep :)

We've settled into somewhat of a routine. Although we're still working on breastfeeding, Chad is taking one night feeding on his own and he gives them milk I've pumped and sometimes supplemental formula as well. That allows me to get 4 - 5 uninterrupted hours of sleep each night, along with several catnaps as well. But I will be very excited to get a point where I can feed them both at the same time. Right now, the changing/feeding/pumping cycle is taking me a minimum of 90 minutes, which leaves 90 minutes to catnap (or return phone calls, catch up on email or post to a blog, etc.). But I think we just have to get through these first weeks and it'll only get easier from here! Chad's mom is coming in on Monday to stay for a week and I know she'll be a huge help. And I can't forget all of our Austin friends who have been bringing meals over to us all week!!

Ok, I'll post more pictures and even some video soon. If you can't wait to see Knox and Piper in action, check out these videos that Chad put up on you tube:

Ok, time to go start the cycle again!!


  1. Thanks for color coding them. Now I can recognize who is who and which is which.

    Great videos. It's almost like being there. You are a lucky family. You'll have great times together.

  2. Holly: Your Dad shared your blog site with me. Your Mom Judy would be so proud of you and your sweet little family. Congratulations!

    Cheryl Addams in Washington State
