Yep, I went for my weekly appointment with my doctor today and she told me to eat more! What a great thing to hear :) She's not really concerned at this point, but since I haven't gained anything for the last few weeks, she'd like me to eat a little more, especially since it's going to keep getting harder to eat as the babies take up more space in there! I've been eating what seems like a ton of food already, three meals a day and at least two snacks, so it seems strange to me that I'm not gaining more. Anyway, I know it's not an excuse to drink chocolate milkshakes
every day (!!), but I guess I won't feel as bad indulging in one once in awhile. And since my back is really starting to ache these days, it's nice to find another positive aspect of pregnancy!
On the update front, I asked my doctor today about how long they'd let me go before they induce labor. I've heard that twins are "term" at 37 weeks, so it seems pretty safe to assume that I won't make it until my due date on August 14th. She said that usually they don't let twins go past 38 weeks, so I'll probably deliver by the end of July at the latest. Thirty-eight weeks puts me at July 30th (Tracy, I know you're pulling for that date!). She also mentioned that if we get to the point where it looks like the babies aren't going to cooperate with their positions and I'll definitely need a c-section, we can schedule an induction for that least week in July. Of course, there's still a good chance that they will arrive even earlier than that, but it's nice to feel like I'm narrowing down the dates a bit. We still have lots to get done before then!
On a happy note, the cribs are in! So Chad and I have a fun project this weekend :)