It's begun! The baby gear has started taking over our house. Last night was the spring Buy/Sell for the Austin Moms of Multiples (AMoMs) group that I joined. Two baby swings, two activity gyms, one extra large Pack 'n Play, one bouncy seat, one baby Bjorn carrier (I picked up two other sling type carriers a couple of weeks ago) and one extra large nursing pillow later, it's starting to be clear that our house isn't going to be our own much longer! Now that we've managed to wedge it all out out of my car and into our house, I think even the cat, Madison, and the dog, Shelby, are starting to take notice :) Of course, the nursery isn't set up yet, and Chad hasn't yet vacated his "auxillary closet" in the nursery, so there's no clear home for any of this stuff yet. See how nice it looks in our living room??
You're so hip and organized!!! Very impressive....and you're not looking big at all...oh just wait ;-) And Shelby will realize all too well when those little beings arrive....she just went from the early single digits to being no better than in 3rd place....but it's so fun to see them with the kids. So fun to feel like I'm almost there!!