We started our "Prepared Childbirth" classes this week. They started us off with a terrifying film showing the phases of delivery - I had to look away several times, but Chad was very brave! He may not pass out during delivery after all :)
I also picked up this very posh second-hand Maclaren double stroller today - gotta love those "Moms of Multiples" and their hand-me-downs! Of course, this is only one of the strollers that we will apparently need. This will be for shopping excursions and dr. visits when the twins get a little older. First we start out with a "Snap and Go" so you can snap the car seats directly into the stroller frame - thereby eliminating the need to wake the babies when they get out of the car. And of course, we will also need the jogging/off road stroller, too, for jaunts around the lake and other fun "off road" outings. As a marketer, it's pretty darn impressive to see how they market all this baby gear to us new parents! And since Chad and I both have shopaholic tendencies, this non-stop spending spree is easy to fall into.
And I thought our 50's babies were expensive. We just put them in the back of the station wagon on a blanket and away we went. Scary huh?
ReplyDeleteI don't remember that you or your brother even had a stroller. (We made you walk at an early age.)